A Mathematical Study For The Amateur Rocketeer


  • Introduction and Disclaimer
    Brief explanation of the purpose of the book.

  • Composite Propellant
    What is composite propellant. Explains why we use composite grains. Gives an example formulation.

  • Specific Impulse
    A definition. Explains what specific impulse is and gives examples.

  • Propellant Grain Geometry
    Explains grain shape variations with some examples.

  • The Components of the Solid Fuel Rocket Engine
    A cutaway diagram with explanation of functional parts.

  • The Mathematical Model - Derivation of Formulae
    Derivation of the chamber pressure formula using simple conventions.

  • Burn Rate and Chamber Pressure
    Explanation of propellant pressure sensitivity. Final version of chamber pressure formula.

  • Propellant Measurements
    How to measure propellant characteristics. Example calculation.

  • Design Considerations
    Scaling effects. Designing for mission goals.

  • Designing a Simple Motor
    Step by step example design and performance evaluation.

  • Maximum Propellant Volume - A Derivation
    Derivation to show limits of total performance based on motor casing and propellant parameters.

  • Engine Performance Analysis In Design
    How to write computer models for different grain shapes. Three examples with derivations. How to use a spreadsheet for computer modeling.

  • The Rocket Nozzle
    How the nozzle affects thrust. How to design nozzles.

  • Vehicle Flight Analysis
    An explanation of the basic forces acting on a rocket vehicle. This information can be used to create simple ballistic computer models.

  • Static Testing
    A brief look at how static tests are performed.

  • Conclusion
    A comparison and proof of the book conventions. Shows how the book's conventions relate to other standards.

Designing Rocket Motors
Gas Dynamics Lab

58 pages